Qatar Airways akcija: u Bangkok preko zime za 3600 kuna

Qatar Airways ima novu ljetnu akciju za jesensko zimske letove. Iako smo naučili na jeftinije akcije prijašnjih godina morati ćete se zadovoljiti s ovime 😀
Akcija traje do 05.09.2018. godine za letove od 01.10.2019. sve do 31.03.2019. s iznimkom u periodu oko nove godine tj 15.12.2018. do 10.01.2019. kada su letovi naravno skuplji.

Na raspolaganje je hrpa terminu u navedenom razdoblju za cijenu od 3600kn. na vama je samo da odaberete koji dan želite ići
Karte se mogu kupiti na službenim stranicama >>> Qatar Airwaysa

  • Sales period: 20 August – 5 September 2018.
  • Travel period: 1 October 2018 – 31 March 2019.
  • Blackout period: 15 December 2018 – 10 January 2019 (for outbound travel).
  • Other blackout periods may apply. Please review at the time of booking.
  • Discount applies to instant purchases only.
  • Discount applies to return tickets.
  • Discount in Premium class applies only on 90 days advance purchase.
  • Offer valid on Qatar Airways operated flights only.
  • Fares displayed include taxes which may change due to currency fluctuation. Surcharges may apply for weekend travel.
  • Seats are limited and subject to availability.
  • A fee may apply for changes and cancellations according to the booking class.
  • Service fee may apply at Qatar Airways office or travel agents.
  • Minimum and maximum stay is dependant on the booking class.
  • Please note that for transit flights in Doha less than 24 hours in duration, baggage cannot be claimed and will be tagged to your final destination.
  • Detailed terms and conditions will be displayed at the time of booking.

Viza: Potrebna za Hrvatske državljanje –> Više informacija
Smještaj: Rezervirajte najjeftiniji smještaj i platite na dolasku. Besplatno otkazivanje.
Destinacije: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Phi Phi, Koh Lipe, Koh Tao, Koh Chang, Ayutthaya, Sukhothai
Transport: Općenito o transportu, Aviokompanije unutar Tajlanda, Cjelokupni vozni red autobusa, vlakova i brodova kroz Tajland



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